Sunday, September 30, 2012


 Thanks for the buck teeth Workmans!

 Anthony's turn.

 SMILE Kyle!

 Look at how strong I am getting.  Tummy time sure does give me a workout.

 That tired me out!

 More smiles.

And a wave!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Enjoying September

 Anthony is very proud of his ability to ride his pedal bike.  He can ride all the way to Aunt Katie, Uncle John and Allison's house!

 Anthony couldn't resist trying Kyle's binky out....hahaha!

 This was waiting for me on the van.  It scared me!

 Allison likes to hold Kyle.

 Kyle resting with Papa T.

 Allison holding Kyle again.

 And, Anthony wanted a turn.

 Cashed out!!!

Tired out from tummy time.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

CMU/MSU weekend in Mt. Pleasant

 Anthony helping in Papa T's garden.

 So hard to get it open....

 Loving some Uncle Mikey time!

 Anthony LOVES watching college bands perform.  It was his lucky day when he got to see CMU and MSU's band!

 Kyle is so comfortable snoozing on Papa T.

 Brief moment where Anthony is sitting still.  And brief it was....

Kyle staying warm with Papa G at the tailgate.

 Anthony got to touch a snake at the tailgate.  Grandma Debbie helped him join the CMU kids club and he got a new CMU t-shirt.  

 Mixed feelings about what team to cheer for.  One Papa is a CMU fan and one is an MSU fan.

 While the rest of the gang went to the game, mom and Kyle hung out.

 Anthony directing the band.

 Anthony and Arica Falsetta.

 Giving Kyle some fresh air on Papa and Grandma's deck.

 Picking in the garden.

 Our handsome boy is growing up and looking so mature!

 Look at what I picked.....

Yummy.....a green vegetable....shhhhh don't say anything to him.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

First Day of School

Anthony's first day of 4 year old Preschool at Roseys.

Labor Day

We spent Labor Day at the Meeks.

 Anthony and Maggie

Such good friends.....Brady (3), Anthony (4), and Maggie (2)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Beginning of September

 Tony and I got dressed up for a wedding.  The Crains watched the kids.

 Anthony didn't want to be left out...

 Uncle Dick came all the way from Idaho to meet Kyle.

 Interesting way to ride a strider (balance bike).


Anthony has mastered a 2 wheel pedal bike.  He went from his balance bike to this.  Yes, that is right, no training wheels!  He even likes to go on the "bike trail" between our sub and Aunt Katie's.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Getting Caught Up

These are the last pictures from August 2012.  

 Anthony had fun riding with Bob on "Scoop"!  

 Such a sweet moment.  Anthony has become good at soothing Kyle.

The Workmans came to town!!  One of my best college friends and her family came to meet Kyle!
 Paige and Kyle

Hannah and Kyle

Sure wish they lived closer.  Think we would have 2 great babysitters!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Weekend in Canada

We took the boys to Canada to spend the weekend with our friends, the Harrisons and Pougets.  Their cottage is on Lake Huron.  It is a beautiful and relaxing place to spend the weekend.  Kyle was 5 weeks old for this adventure.  He did very well.  

 Anthony and Owen playing with Kyle.

 Awww, brotherly LOVE!

 Anthony was so brave!  This was his 2nd year tubing.  He is almost a professional!

 Kyle snoozing on the beach!

 The Falsetta 4

 Had to do it....Kyle's feet in Lake Huron!

 What a silly boy.

Anthony loved going in Uncle Gerry's boat.

Looking forward to next year at the cottage......