Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Kyle at School

 Yum!  Kyle is now on the list to be stripped down while eating.  

 His teachers gave him a mohawk!

 Graham crackers.  Delicious and super messy.  

Happy boy at school!

Game #2

 Anthony got to play catcher!  He loved it!

 Ready to start the game on the pitchers mound!

 Look at that...1st ball hit right to him.  Great fielding, and a perfect throw to first!

Kyle all bundled up watching the game....or his cousin!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

First T-Ball Game

 Warming up!

 So tired, but excited to watch Big Brother play ball!

 Anthony starts his baseball career at 2nd base!  First ball of the game was hit right to him.  He fielded it and threw it to first like he had done it 100 times.  The throw wasn't perfect, but at least he knew what to do.  

 Allison having fun with Papa T!

 Running to 1st.  We were so proud of him.  He ran through 1st base every time!  (guess he listened to my pep talk on the way to the field)


 Aunt Katie hanging with Kyle and Allison.

 Adjusting the glasses.

 He's ready for anything!  (no the ball was not coming to him)


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Anthony's First T-ball Practice

 Getting ready to start.

 Kyle loved being outside watching the kids!

 Nice catch buddy!

 Playing 1st base while others were taking batting practice (off the T of course).

 After chasing the ball down,  he is ready to make a great throw home to his coach.

 Ready for some Action.

 Nice HIT!!!

 Good form!  A couple practice swings and then he will hit it!

 Running the last one out.  See the ball...

 Look at those wheels!

 Running bases at the end of practice!

Huddle at the end of practice.

Kyle's New Toy

Our neighbors gave us this toy for Kyle.  He loves it!