Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Game #6 - So hot...90 degrees

 Put me in Coach...I'm ready to play!

 Running hard to first!

 Uncle Gerry and Owen came to watch.  So nice of them to come sweat with us!

 Kyle was a bit miserable because of the heat and being tired, but he loved the attention from Owen (and Uncle Gerry the baby wisperer)!

 Heading home...


Game #5

 Uncle Mikey made the trip down for the game!

 Dugout Fun!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Liberty Fest 2013

They Mayers came with us this year. We love having them live so close. So proud if our niece...she tried numerous rides and loved them all (well except the carousel)!  Anthony was tall enough to go on some new rides by himself. He especially liked the Ferris wheel and the swings. We all survived a half hour or so of rain. Kyle enjoyed watching all the kids an eating snacks in the stroller!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Anthony's Preschool Graduation

 All set to go...looking so fine!

 Pledge of Allegiance.

 Cute song about the flag.

 Anthony was so focused and serious.  He was in the front row and did a great job!

 Anthony and his teacher Miss Kim.

 Anthony and his teacher Miss Diane.

Very proud parents with our graduate.

Game #4

 Ready position...

 Awe, so cute!  Allison loves to walk around with Grandma Debbie!

 Run, Run, Run

 Dad got to coach 3rd this game!

 Kyle getting lots of attention from Aunt Katie and Uncle John!

 Kyle thinks Uncle John is so funny!

 Allison had fun feeing Kyle some puffs...until she got slobber on her hand (which she thought were boogers)!  Cute cousins!