Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Backyard Pool

Anthony could be in the water all day every day.  

 Got to LOVE this silly boy!

Pool Time

Trying to beat the heat.  We found a pool!  

 Kyle loved his first pool experience, despite the crabby look.  I just didn't get my camera out in time.  After about an hour, he was hungry and tired!

 Look at Anthony go!  He is such a fish.

 Anthony loved the diving board.

4th of July 2013

 Anthony and his buddies at the 4th of July Parade.

 Hanging out with the Grims at the parade!

 All tired out!

 Anthony's first time doing "Snap Pops".  He LOVED it!

 Anthony's first sparkler!  He's not sure sure.

 Allison's first sparkler.

Now he's got it!  This is his Statue of Liberty pose!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Piñata Party at the Mayers

We had a Pinata party to celebrate the end of Anthony's first T-ball season!  Fun Fun!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Game #11 - Last Game

What an awesome T-ball season!  We had so many fans and so much fun watching Anthony!

 Ready position.


 Waiting patiently for his turn to bat.

 Anthony and his buddy Tommy.

 Swing batter batter...

 Love this picture.  Anthony keeping his head down and catching the ball, Tommy ready to back him up.  All while coach Matt watches!

 Throw to 1st.

 Charge the ball...

 Throw to Tommy at 2nd.

 Words of encouragement from Coach Matt.

Thanks Mom and Dad for taking Kyle for a while so I could take pictures!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Game #10 - Super Hot

Every kid was presented with a trophy after the game.

Game #9 - Yes, it was another HOT one

 Warming up.

 Heading home...

 Squeeze it.  

 He hustles in...and then will hustle out!

His favorite part of this game was coming around third base and getting sent home!