Friday, November 7, 2014

Catching up - May 2014

 Snuggling with the tiger that Anthony picked out for him in Florida.

 Anthony is excited about his new helmet!  Getting ready for BASEBALL!

 Anthony's turn with marshmallow the bunny from his kindergarten class.

 That tooth could not be any looser!  It will come out soon.
 Pirate theme at the Isbister Elementary Fun Fair!

 Anthony playing a game at Fun Fair.

 Kyle makes a pretty cute pirate...arrrrr!

 It came out!  Grandma Jayne pulled it out.  Anthony lost his first tooth!  He was thrilled!

 Kyle trying out the Strider.

 Putting the tooth in the treasure chest.  Hope the tooth fairy comes.

 Roasting marshmallows in the back yard.

 Tony got to go to Anthony's Field Day at school.  Day filled with fun games.

 How many are in the jar?

 Kyle and Papa T heading to watch Anthony play ball.

 Kyle and Allison having some snacks during the game.

 Hit that ball!  Coach pitch this season.

 A bit chilly, but always fun to watch baseball!  Kyle got lots of attention from Papa G.


 A little fun at the park.

 There is that tooth again!

 More baseball.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Here is April

 Anthony just had to try out the old school video game.  He chose Donky Kong.

 Game Face!

 Put me in coach...I have all the gear!

 What do you see Kyle?  Trees....

 Post well visit treat.   Great check up for a great kid!

 Just hanging out.

 On this day, he chose to eat his snack in the pantry.

 Dinner with friends.

 New bike.  Payed for almost half with is own savings.

 ED visit.  Kyle did not want his shoes off to get his knee fixed.  

 All wrapped up.  On the mend...

 Yucky day outside, so we did bubbles inside.  Happy boy.

 3 cousins can fit on this swing.

 He loves to "shoot score"!

 Working on the shot.

 Snack on the tractor.


 Kyle in his Tigers gear.

 4 friends can fit on the swing too.

 Anthony and his buddy at the Toledo Zoo.

 Kyle at the zoo.

 This is how we do mulch.  It is a slow process sometimes.

The ride back to the pile is a bit faster.

 Out to eat.  

 Holding sweet! (for that moment)

 Watching the garbage truck.

 First night after getting his Braves uniform.  He slept in the hat the first 2 nights.  

 A random Thursday photo shoot.

 Ready to color Easter eggs.

 Easter Egg hunt.

 Do you see the egg, Kyle?

 Found one.

Happy Easter!