Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Parade at Roseys

Tony and I were both able to go to Anthony and Kyle's Halloween parade/party on Friday.  Anthony was very excited to get into his costume and head to school.  

 The kids sang all their Halloween songs to the parents.  They sat in a circle and were very well behaved, even though they were so excited!

 Anthony getting in line for the parade.  He and his friend Ainsley were the line leaders all week, so they lead their class around the building!

 Our niece, Allison, road around in style for the parade.  She is the pink butterfly....just thrilled to have her costume on!

 Not sure what was so funny....

 Anthony and Ainsley...I mean Captain America and Ariel (from little mermaid)

 Goofy kids!  

 Ok, that's better!  Ready to go....

 There they go....
It was rainy out, so they parade had to stay inside this year.

 Anthony's class got to sing for Kyle's class.  Anthony is looking at Kyle has he sings!

 There is the whole gang!  You can just see the bottom of Kyle's lobster outfit.

 There he is.....such a sweet lobster!  He was very content and alert as the kids paraded around and sang to his class.

 Infant room class picture....well at least some of them!

 Tried to get to Allison's class to get pictures of her, but she had already took her costume off.  She looks much happier!

 Party after the parade.  Miss Diane handed out sugar cookies that one of the moms made.  The kids then got to put frosting on and decorate with candy corns.  The were all so well behaved.

 Their seats were assigned by their treat bags.  They had to find their bag that had their name on it.

 Kyle before the parade.....

 and during the parade....

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Thursday Fun Day

It was beautiful on Thursday, so we took advantage of some outside time.  Anthony wanted to rake leaves and Kyle wanted to lean back and relax!  

 Anthony filled his dump truck with leaves and dropped them on the pile.

 Kyle did not mind me putting him down in a pile of leaves.  He didn't really like the sun in his eyes (don't blame him)!

 Anthony loves his baby brother.  

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Super Cute!

Kyle has had a great week!  We made it though his first virus.  He even slept 12 hours last night.  I had forgotten how good it feels to stay in bed for 7 hours.  Tomorrow is the boys Halloween Parade at school!  Should be fun to watch.  I have the morning off to go.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Beauty and the Beast

Anthony and I went on a very special date on Sunday afternoon (so special that he got to skip nap).  We went to Beauty and the Beast at a local theater in Canton.  I did not know it when I bought the tickets, but it was a youth production.  We both loved it.  At intermission, Anthony said, "Mommy, thank you so much for bringing me to this"!  Made my heart smile.  He bought me a snack at intermission with money he was keeping safe in his pocket.  Daddy sent him with money and said if Anthony was taking me on a date, he needed to pay for snacks!  Good thing we didn't eat too much at intermission because Anthony had enough money left to buy himself ice cream after the show!  The show was great and the company was fantastic! 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Fun at the Park

We had family pictures taken Sunday morning.  After, Anthony had fun playing!

Friday, October 19, 2012


Kyle's congestion got worse yesterday and he started wheezing. Took him to after hours clinic and they gave him a breathing treatment (which he hated). Tony is home with him today. He is a happy sick baby. Tony is taking him to the Dr this afternoon for another check.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Kyle slept through the night!

After 12 weeks and 6 days...our baby has slept through the night!  Yipeeeee!  Felt so good to have almost 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep!  We  had stopped swaddling Kyle at 5 weeks when he wiggled his way out of the swaddle blanket that we had.  He was not sleeping well at school, so they started swaddling him.  They sent us home with one of their swaddle blankets and night #2 he slept all night!  

It is 7:12 and both kids are still sleeping.  Stinks that I have to go wake them up to get Anthony to swim school.  Oh well.....

Monday, October 15, 2012

Wixom Fire Station Open House

On Saturday while Kyle and I stayed home where it was warm, Tony took Anthony to Wixom's fire station open house.  This is the 3rd year Anthony has gone to this event.  Even though it was cold and rainy, he had a great time.  He still LOVES being a fire fighter, so of course he had all of his gear on.  One of the firefighters recognized Anthony from last year.

Anthony got to climb down the escape ladder two times.  

Anthony shows off his fire hose skills.  He shot the water at a ball that is on a pulley system.

Down he goes again....

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Harvest Party

We bought a farm share this summer.  It was so nice to get fresh veggies all summer long.  Saturday was the Harvest Party.  We were able to go and pick anything that was left, go on a hay ride, and warm up by the fire!  Just Anthony and I went, because it was cold and rainy.  Tony stayed home with Kyle.

Sitting on a hay bale, covered with a burlap sack.  Ready to head back.

Good thing Daddy suggested we wear our old shoes.  It was pretty wet and muddy!

Anthony was drying his gloves.

Not sure why he looks so sad here.  He said his face was burning from the fire.  

Now he is happy!