Saturday, September 7, 2013

Summer Trip to TC

Kyle kept Grandma busy.  He thought he was "big" on the play structure.

 Papa G came up for a day.  He did a little playing at the park.

 Kyle liked the swing....for 10 seconds.  At least I got a picture.

 This is how Kyle spent most of his time at the park.  Finding sticks, crawling around and getting very dirty.  Good thing Grandma is good at laundry!

 We all took turns walking around with Kyle.  Such a back breaking stage.  

 Looks like serious business.

 Ok, time to walk back to Grandma's.

 So nice that Grandma had a bike for Anthony to ride.  He loved the kickstand!

 Ice Cream at 10am...why not!

 Hey Grandma....where's mine???

 Ahhhhh yes...that is what I wanted.  Thanks for sharing Grandma!

 Sure is delicious!  

 Fun with Daddy!


 Life is good in TC!

 Getting dirty....AGAIN!

 So much attention from Grandma!  Loving every minute of it!

 Pretty cool moves as you walk on it.

 Yes, Kyle needs a turn.

 They moved the turtles, but they are still in the park.

 This statue moved too....but we found it for our annual picture!

 Goofy boy!

 Look at me....I am standing on my own (only for a few seconds)!

 Beach time.  Anthony LOVED going to the beach.  We took him every afternoon.  Happy boy!

 He LOVES TC.  So fun to walk everywhere!  Good thing he had new shoes because we put lots of miles on them.

Friday Night Live....we rode the old firetruck around town.  Very cool!

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